Friday, February 27, 2009

Frugal Friday

Dear Diary,
Today I went to the gym. Now you might say how can going to the gym be frugal when it costs money to go the gym. You're right it does cost money and if you're not using it then why do you have a gym membership. I can honestly say I get my money's worth at the gym since I spend so much time there so for me it is worth every penny I spend. And it's something I would not readily give up.
But to get to the point, perhaps somewhere, somehow you are spending money on something you are not using. And if that is the case then why are you spending money on something you are not using??? Just have a good look at what you are spending money on, and if you really enjoy what you are spending money on. If not spend that hard earned money elsewhere; in a place where you will truly enjoy your earnings.
On another note, while walking home from the gym today I lucked out and found a twenty dollar bill. Walking is not only good for you but sometimes you do find things while walking. While I admit I don't always find twenty dollar bills, I do regularly find coins or beer bottles/cans which ultimately = money. And walking is a very frugal way to exercise...
Good Night

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