Sunday, April 12, 2009

Frugal Connecting with Family & Friends

Dear Diary,
On this beautiful Easter Sunday, I am reminded of one of my favourite frugal ways of connecting with family and friends. It's called skype
Skype is a means of having live conversations from your computer to someone else's computer for FREE! Yes I said free. With a couple of kids and other family members living at a distance, I'm loving it! ( For minimal fees, you can also use skype to connect to landlines and I believe mobile phones).
When we use skype it's like we're having a conference call and everyone is in on the conversation. It even feels like we are sitting in the same room. Sometimes the connection isn't always the greatest and sometimes you do get cut off, but when you're just shooting the breeze so to speak, who cares! (SKYPE isn't meant for emergency calls).
I just really love the fact that it's free and we can call as much for as long as we want and not worry about what it's costing us. I find it does a great job of helping to keep closer ties with family and friends. So why not give skype a try!
Oh before I go just remembered another source for finding coupons; try your dental office for toothpaste, floss coupons etc. It works for me!

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