Dear Diary,
Went to Ikea yesterday cause I just had to use my $20 coupon that I got when we bought our Christmas tree in December. I know I know I had to spend $75 at Ikea in order to get my $20 back that I spent on my Christmas tree, but there are always things I need at Ikea especially this time of year. And the stuff I bought is all useful stuff; like a new curtain for our new patio door (which is coming soon) to replace the blinds which have hung on the old door for 20 plus years, so time for a change ; 1 pack of plastic clothespins, one can never have enough clothespins; 2 packs of halogen light bulbs for an Ikea fixture, 1 garlic press cause we broke ours just before Christmas and by the way we eat lots of garlic,keeps the vampires away you know; 1 cheese grater cause 17 year old teenage ds is stocking up on supplies for when he moves out lol and 1 Octopus drying rack which I simply love and might consider buying more.
So in total before taxes I spent $77.69 (needed to spend $75 to get the $20 back) and basically got our Christmas tree for free and got lots of useful stuff.
Anyhow going back to my drying rack; it was on sale for $3.99 and when I bought it I was considering using it outdoors on my clothesline to hang small laundry items. But when I came home I realized I could use it to hang dry my baggies indoors as well. I've always had a problem with how to dry my never ending baggie supply and now I resolved it ; gotta love it! Might just go back to Ikea and get another. ( I know you can probably get these cheaper at a dollar store but I'm in love with my Octopus one and bottom line is if I like it I'm probably gonna use it. But I'm sure you get the drift. By the way they had green ones as well as the blue ones.
P.S And no I didn't make it to Old Navy this weekend but to be honest I really didn't need anything; got my upcoming birthday gifts covered thanks to winnings & gift card wins and Boxing Week sales.
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