Saturday, May 30, 2009

Peak Saver Program Just Think about it !

Dear Diary,
A few years ago (dh and I are discussing how many years) we enrolled in the Peak Saver program. And basically, what this program does is lowers your central air conditioner by a few degrees when needed during high electric power demands in the summer months. When you sign up you get a brand new thermostat that can be controlled by your hydro company if and when required due to high energy demands. When you sign up with them you will also get a $25 rebate on your hydro and a chance to win prizes. We did it and haven't noticed a thing and chances are they might not even have to lower your air conditioning at all! And even if you don't have central air you can still enter the contest to win prizes. Not sure if it's available everywhere but hey why not check it out! Good for the budget and good for the environment!
Now that's something to think about

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